Pen & Sword Books

Friday, September 16, 2022

The Kennedy Assassinations - JFK & Bobby Kennedy - Debunking the Conspiracy Theories

The Kennedy Assassinations - JFK & Bobby Kennedy - Debunking the

Conspiracy Theories written by Mel Ayton and published by Frontline

Books - £25 - Hardback - Pages 248

Few events have been the subject of more conspiracy theories than the assassinations

of the two Kennedy brothers. Indeed, a great many people consider that there were other

individuals than Lee Harvey Oswald and Sirhan Sirhan involved in both murders. Was a

shot fired from Dealey Plaza’s grassy knoll? Why did Jack Ruby shoot Oswald? Was it

the CIA, the Soviets, Cuban nationalists or the Mafia that arranged John Kennedy’s

assassination? Was Robert Kennedy shot from in front and behind, and who had the

most to gain from his death?

These are just a few of the questions that have been put forward by a myriad of conspiracy theorists and it is those people and their ideas that Mel Ayton has tackled head-on. Over many years, Mel Ayton has examined all the more substantial conspiracy theories and, through careful analysis of documents and eyewitness statements, he has demolished each one.

In each case, Mel Ayton presented the results of his detailed investigations in periodicals as he worked through the various theories. These have now been brought together to provide a comprehensive analysis of all the main theories as to who, how and why the two Kennedy brothers met their deaths in such unusual circumstances.

Though wild ideas will continue to be proposed and efforts will still be made to demonstrate that Oswald could not have fired off three shots with great accuracy in the few seconds available to him as the presidential cavalcade passed beneath the window where he crouched, or that there were sinister reasons why three CIA men were allegedly present on the night of Robert Kennedy’s assassination, the harsh reality is that the Kennedy brothers were each killed by lone gunmen.

This is an absorbing read, brought up to date with the addition of new material as it has been uncovered. Maybe, just maybe, this book will persuade people that the official accounts of both murders, although flawed, are not cover-ups but simply statements of fact.

Whenever you talk about the Kennedy Brothers now, you’re rarely going to talk about
their presidency or political life. Your sadly and usually going to be talking about their
assassinations. Both of these took place at a time of social and political turmoil in America,
there is a lot of conspiracy debate, conflict and myth-making. This is a really good book
as the author Mel Ayton takes the two presidents separately and goes through the differing
conspiracy theories one by one, ranging from the CIA, to a lone gunman, the Mafia and so
on and so on. Having read a good number of books on this subject previously I would
say that it is a well set out book and Mel Ayton argues each point very well. Certainly, an
excellent book if you are new to the subject and even if you’ve had a passing interest
previously. A book even I enjoyed and I quite like the author and his writing style having
read his previous book Protecting the Presidential Candidates.

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